Adamson Advisory

Managing Partner – Do You Have a Position Description?

During my many years in the role of managing partner of a growing, progressive CPA firm, I had many variations relating to my position description.

As part of my consulting engagements, I have also had the opportunity to see many examples of managing partner job descriptions from other firms around the country. Some are quite extensive and involved. Others are straight-forward and look like most other managing partner job descriptions in the CPA profession.

One year, I made a simple request to my partners, “Tell me what you expect of me.” This resulted in a retreat exercise that was worthwhile for them and valuable for me. They made it brief and to the point.

Maybe your partner group should consider sharing their exact expectations of the managing partner. I would also encourage you to keep it simple and strategic.

Here’s what my partners wanted:

Role of the Managing Partner

  • Bring new ideas to the Partners of the firm
  • Provide guidelines and hold individual Partners accountable for goals
  • Be a coach/mentor to the individual partners and director of administration.
  • Maintain profitability
  • Maintain firm image
  • Concentrate on the big picture – less detail
  • Develop a three-year plan for the firm


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