Adamson Advisory

What People Say About Your Firm

Out there in your business community, people talk about your firm. Don’t you wonder what they are really saying?

Try this fun exercise with your entire team during a Lunch & Learn session or at a regular team meeting.

Use this line: I know Smith, Jones & Company (use your name, of course). They are the BLANK firm.

Have each person write down a word or phrase that fills-in the BLANK.

After everyone is done – share them and discuss them.  How are you really known?

It could be……

  • They are the auto dealer firm.
  • They are the new firm.
  • They are the oldest firm in town.
  • They are the audit firm.
  • They are the estate planning firm.
  • They are the innovative firm.
  • They are the conservative firm.
  • They are the best firm!
  • They are the all female firm.

You might find out some eye-opening perceptions about your firm.

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