Adamson Advisory

Save the Whales

Every firm has an “A” client list – the largest and most profitable clients for the firm. Hopefully, you have already identified them and you make sure that they receive the best “care and feeding’ and the highest priority from the firm.

If you haven’t, do it now and decide what it means in your firm to be an “A” client. We need to be reminded from time to time that our best clients are also the top targets for our competitors. And, they are being courted constantly.

Something that we did for our “A” clients when I was a managing partner is worth sharing because I don’t see it in a lot of firms. We called it our “Save the Whale” program and it worked as follows.

I visited our top clients along with the firm’s marketing director. Our purpose was to express our appreciation for their business, solicit input on our services and people, find out if they had any suggestions for the firm and to give them updates on what was happening at the firm. It was not a sales call.

If part of the above description sounds like a client satisfaction survey, you’re right, it was. How much better do you think it was received and perceived when the managing partner makes a personal visit to see them and talk about their satisfaction with the firm?

Your “A” clients deserve to be treated in a special way. This is an idea to show them how important they are to the firm and to help cement that relationship. It takes some time to work through the list, but we got a lot out of it and the clients loved it.



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