We have just finished another tax season (unless you are in Texas, Oklahoma, or Louisiana). You wonder if you have served your clients well. You try to do your best but sometimes the pressure of deadlines hinders your work.
This month I want to refer you to a great article by Vincent J. Nardone. It was published recently in the Ohio Society magazine VOICE.
What are some of the best practices in the accounting profession, with a focus on the tax-return preparer side? Nardone does an extensive examination of best practices, such as:
Manage and educate your client. Do not enable them. Do not allow them to continue with bad habits. For example, how many of you have accepted tax-return information at the last minute, and still prepared the return? Why not simply say no? Tough love is better than rushing something and making a mistake. Let’s remember, some clients intentionally provide everything late so there are no questions.
Click here and be sure to read the entire article.